Educate. Learn. Grow

Terms and Conditions

If you wish to use our website, the following terms and conditions apply to you:

If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, you are requested to discontinue using our website immediately. By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you will be bound to accept our terms and conditions.

The information herein, including the terms, the conditions, and the pages, is all bound to change. This information is not an offer, solicitation, or invitation to use any products or services of Sanaksriti Public School. So, you are requested to verify all the information before relying on it.

Please note that the information, graphics, and texts used here on the website are the property of Sanskriti Public School and are protected by copyright laws. You cannot produce, modify, or distribute any content without prior consent.

We are committed to protecting your personal information. You can refer to our privacy policy to check on how we collect your information and disclose it, if required.

Our website may contain third-party links over which we have no control, so the information or content used on that site is beyond our control. By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you acknowledge and agree that Sanskriti Public School holds no responsibility or is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of the third-party website.

We also reserve the right to modify and revise these terms and conditions whenever required without any prior notice to you. You will also be bound to agree to those changed terms and conditions when the conditions are effective.

A cookie is placed on our site to record visitors’s activities on their devices. Our cookies don’t disclose any personal information about the person using the browser.

Hyperlinks are used for the purpose of the user’s convenience only. The content’s accuracy is neither verified nor examined by the Sanskriti Public School. The school holds no responsibility for their data protection or the use that could be made from such data. So, when you are assessing other websites through hyperlink texts, your access to those websites is completely your responsibility. The Sanskriti Public School holds no responsibility for any damage or loss that arises directly or indirectly from the information used on the pages of those websites.

Please note that Sanskriti Public School doesn’t warranty that an email from the website is completely secure. We do not guarantee that an email from you or from us is secure during internet transmission.

Kindly contact us for any more information on the terms and conditions.